- Troy Seymore - #33x
- Mike Bean - #16x
- Cecelia Dillie - #4x
- Scott Kelley - #9x
- Mark Dillie - #17x
- Bobby Meek - #35x
IMCA Modified
- Dan Fitzgerald - #2j
- Travis Rider - #16t
- Eric Shenberger - #12
- Jim Maddox - #50
- Rich Horbie - #13
- Clifton King - #66
Street Stock
- Dusty Park - #5
- Jim McCoy -# 21
- Dale Daffern - #49
- Jerry Park - #6
- Pete Wallace - #7sr
- Dan Snowden - #42
- Geroge Bradburry - #14
Mini Modified
- John Burch - #83
- Bubba Ray - #46
- Frankie England - #96
- Jonathan Burch - #78
- Bret Hollis - #88
- Ryan Newman - #77
Mini Stock
- Sue Smotherman - #14
- Anthony Broadhead - #61
- Terry Hiser - #44
- Jabez Broadhead - #66
- Todd Nunnally - #007
- Chris Eckhardt - #76
- Ryan Layne - #18
- Cory Layne - #7x
- Carl England - #48x
- Dylan Smotherman - #2
- Cody Chappell - #7
- Rick Bemb - #7-11
- Michael Hildebrand - #17
- Jonathan Mitchell Sr. - #00x
- Tommy Kahele - #63
- Steve Landry - #13d
Pro Stock
- Fred White - #83
- Greg Prince - #25k
how do I contact the gentleman that takes photos at PVS? Would love to get / buy some shots of my car on the track.
ReplyDeleteDan Fitzgerald
good luck with that we have been tring to pics o four car of the last couple races and can't get anywere with that...
ReplyDeleteI will be at the track this Saturday on the stand side with some photos. You can get some then.
I guess you talked to Chad about yours already.
Yea Trudi Thanks those were some great shots tell him to keep it up.
ReplyDeleteAwe...he will appreciate that! I'll tell him. Thanks.